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How to Keep Your Mattress in the Best Condition Possible

The mattresses we sleep on at night can take some serious abuse. However, we do not necessarily realize how dirty and unclean our own mattresses are. No matter what type of mattress it is from a memory foam to a latex mattress, it will collect dirt, dust, sweat, stains and much more. Even though there are sheets on the bed, it does not stop the mattress from absorbing what is around it. The trick is knowing how to clean it so that your mattress will last much longer.

Cleaning a Mattress

We all sweat out about a half pint of sweat each night. Our mattresses just soak that all up. Knowing how to care for your mattress will allow you to keep your mattress longer. So listed below are a number of steps, or recommendations, to clean your latex mattress.

  • Vacuum: While this may seem a little bit strange, it is actually really important. Your mattress accumulates dust, dirt, dead skin cells and much more over a period of time. This can cause your mattress to lose its comfort level and wear out a lot faster. So take the time to vacuum it. You should vacuum it about once every season. The easy way to remember this is to vacuum whenever you rotate your mattress. Make sure when you vacuum to use a clean upholstery attachment so that you are not just putting more dirt and debris on your mattress.
  • Use Baking Soda: If you notice that your mattress has an odor to it, you might want to try spreading baking soda on your mattress. Do this before you vacuum your mattress. Allow it to sit on your mattress for close to thirty minutes and then vacuum it off. The baking soda will absorb the odor, leaving you with a fresher smelling mattress.
  • Stains: If a stain occurs on your mattress, treat them as quickly as possible. Blot up any excess liquid that is on your mattress with a cool, wet cloth. Then spread a mixture of salt, baking soda, and water on the stain. Let the paste sit on the stain for around thirty minutes. The use a cool, damp cloth to wipe it away. This should get rid of the stain. If it does not, you may want to look around and find a stronger cleaning solution.

These are only a few ways that you can preserve your mattress. These steps work for both a memory foam and a latex mattress. It may be a little bit easier getting stains out of a latex mattress because the liquid will not soak into the mattress as quickly. Another helpful tip is to buy a mattress protector. A mattress protector will stop most of the stains and dirt and dust mites from reaching your mattress.

If you have more questions about mattresses, or are looking to buy a new latex mattress, go online a check out Dreamfoam Bedding today. They have a large selection of mattresses and can answer questions that you may have.