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Prolonging the Life of Your Mattress

We all really enjoy sleeping on our mattresses at night. They allow us to sleep deep and comfortable while we recharge for the next day. We start having problems when the latex mattresses in your home are no longer as comfortable as they once were. Mattresses are designed to last for anywhere from six to ten years, depending on the type and brand of mattress. Thankfully, there are ways that you can get your latex mattress to last longer if you care for it.

There are many different brands of latex mattresses but they all have about the same upkeep level. No matter what type of latex mattress you have, or purchase, you should focus on caring for it at least once every few months. That way you can watch for any possible abnormalities dealing with your mattress. Here are a few things you can do.

Make sure you have a good mattress foundation because it will extend the life of your mattress. The foundation of the bed, also known as the box spring is a large part of what gives you support while you sleep. When you do not have a proper foundation for your mattress, your mattress will wear down much more quickly causing you to need a new mattress more quickly. There are many companies, like Dreamfoam Bedding, that will make sure you have the proper foundation for your mattress.

Make sure that check for a build-up of moisture every few months. Moisture can create a big problem in any type of mattress. Because the moisture can build up within the mattress, and not just on top of the bed, you could have mold and mildew within your mattress that you do not even know about. Mold and mildew can cause many types of allergies. What causes the most amount of moisture to gather in your mattress is when you sweat when you sleep. To prevent this from happening, you will want to check you mattress on a regular schedule. A regular mattress just means a schedule that work for you like every six weeks or so. If you notice moisture, you will want to air out your latex mattress to get rid of the moisture.

Focus on keeping your latex mattress as clean as possible. While a latex mattress can be long lasting, getting the mattress dirty can shorten the lifespan. Make sure you buy a mattress protector. This will put a layer between the mattress and you. You can also vacuum your mattress every few months to remove the dirt, dust, food crumbs, and whatever else may be present on your mattress. This will keep the mattress clean and keep you healthier for longer.

Prolonging the life of your mattress is really important. There is a lot you can do to make sure that you do not have to keep buying a new mattress. Purchasing a mattress protector is probably one of the easiest things you can do. Also having the right foundation for your mattress will prolong the life of your latex mattress. If you have any questions contact Dreamfoam Bedding. They will help you any way you need. So go online and check them out.